Books for the Budding Entrepreneur (E33)

Stephanie Ritz is a business strategist, mindset coach and full-time traveler who helps aspiring coaches and consultants to start and grow their business alongside their 9-5 so they can hand in their notice with confidence with a profitable and sustainable business.

Stephanie’s experiences in entrepreneurship, corporate leadership and mentoring roles serve as the foundation for her consulting and coaching program. Starting as a teen mom, Stephanie put herself through college, started two successful businesses and quickly rose to leadership positions in multiple corporate roles.

Drawing on her success in the sales, banking, business operations and coaching industries, Stephanie now works with corporate professionals to tap into and build on their strengths, skills, and intuition to start and grow their own coaching or consulting business.

Stephanie earned her B.A. in Communications from Temple University and an Executive Leadership Certification from Leader’s Edge. She is a Certified Coach and an NLP Master Practitioner.

Stephanie is a mom and passionate Philadelphia sports fan. She enjoys experiencing new cities, food and culture around the world and rooting for her beloved Eagles and Flyers.

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Charles “Bruce” McIntyre and Books Set in the South During the Civil Rights Era (E34)


Historical Fiction Books on Strong Women Communities with Janis Robinson Daly (E32)