The Think Happy Journey Book Flight with Kaitlin Cuevas (E58)

In today’s episode, I am chatting with Kaitlin Cuevas. Kaitlin is the owner and founder of Think Happy, Co. She's a lover of french roast coffee, Goldendoodles, and pump-up music! She believes happiness is something we each create for ourselves and that YOU are in the driver’s seat of your own life. Outside of work, she's a mom to Eleanor and James, wife to Oakley, and dog-mom to Guppy. 

Think Happy serves women who struggle with juggling ALL the things and want to create sustainable systems to help them simplify their lives AND allow them time to fill their own cup first. Focusing specifically on time and task management, building sustainable habits and routines, and keeping your own cup full, the goal is always to leave you feeling happier!

This was such a fun episode to record. Kaitlin shares all about how to think happy in your life, find the why behind your what to drive your purpose and so much more!

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Books and authors mentioned in the episode:

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