The Serendipity of Books: A Book Flight Inspired by her Writing Community with Huda Al-Marashi (E73)

In today’s episode, I am chatting with Huda Al-Marashi. Huda is the author of the memoir First Comes Marriage: My Not-So-Typical American Love Story and a co-author of the middle-grade novel Grounded. Her other writing has appeared in various anthologies and news outlets, such as the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, and al Jazeera. She is a fellow with the Highlights Foundation Muslim Storytellers Program and a public speaker.

Huda shared all about her experience as a woman living in diaspora, immigrant experiences in a foreign country and how assimilation into other cultures is dependent on many factors. She talked about how she fit writing into motherhood and the tension of writing memoir - bordering a line of fiction, using composite characters and figuring out the story you want to tell within your memoir. Lastly, she talked about how supportive the writing community is and what an invaluable resource they are. This episode is amazing and one you will not want to miss! Happy listening!

You can connect with Huda at the links below:

You can find the show notes for this episode with links to the books mentioned in the episode right HERE

Be sure to join the Bookish Flights community on social media. Happy listening!


A Vibrant Book Flight of Color with Erin Bartels (E74)


An Early YA Book Flight from the Kids with Hazel Terpstra (E72)