Myth, Fantasy and Truth in Storytelling with Jared Michaud (E78)

In today’s episode, I am chatting with Jared Michaud. Jared has had a life-long drive to write fiction and is the author of Brightstar: Energematrice6 – The Epimyth Begins. Growing up, his mind was shaped by the stories he read. From C.S. Lewis to Orson Scott Card, he found authors who knew how to speak to his heart and give voice to what was inside of him. He started writing stories himself when he was only seven years old, and wrote his first novel starting when he was twelve. Today, he writes from a little house in a little town in Wyoming, where he lives with his wife and six children. He is a Christian and  a lover of truth. He is on a mission to give his children’s generation myths built on the greatest foundation the world has ever seen.

We talked about the importance of myth in stories, the gentle art of writing about the truth, including a piece of yourself in the characters you write and more! This is a delightful episode with Jared, I hope you enjoy. Happy listening!

You can purchase a copy of Energematrice 6 at 10% off HERE by using the code “flights”.

You can connect with Jared at the links below:

You can find the show notes for this episode with links to the books mentioned in the episode right HERE

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Dr. Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai on Language, Culture and Authors of Việt Nam with (E79)


Jaime Jo Wright on Mood Reading, Momento Mori and Gothic Novels (E77)